School Of Awesome Sauce With Greg Denning

#208 How to Respond to, Stop, & Prevent Misbehavior in Young (& Old) Children -- Strategies that WORK!



Welcome to today’s episode, we’re coming to you from Vienna, Austria this time. We just finished leading a WWII trip where we learned about the start of the war with the invasion of Warsaw, visited Auschwitz & Birkenau concentration camps, and explored Krakow and Vienna. We love to receive questions from listeners, coaching clients, and members of the Extraordinary Family Life Formula. One question we’ve received more than once in the last month is about misbehavior in young children. What do I do when my four-year-old acts out? They will purposely interrupt what their siblings are doing and disturb the peace. They’ll lash out, and it’s becoming violent lately. They’re even getting destructive and destroying things and are into everything.  They keep interrupting the home education and family routines, and they’re extremely jealous of the new baby. They won’t listen to either parent and they’re becoming a disturbing force in the family. What do we do about it? If you’ve ever had a child misbehave, es