

“You are the programmer... you are responsible. Write the program.” ~Stephen R. Covey Today's Mind Bullet Monday explores the idea of being programmed, a topic inspired by the Gay Hendricks book, The Big Leap. In the book, Hendricks discusses a coaching client who had a difficult time making changes because she had been "programmed" for many years to do things a certain way. This applies to all of us. What we do habitually continues to be reinforced, for better or worse, taking us toward our goals or sending us farther away. This brings up the critical concept of awareness. How aware are we of the things we're programmed to do? And where does this programming come from? In our episode on being hypnotized, we asked the question: If you were hypnotized, how would you know? This applies to our programming, as well. When we've been programmed to do things that hurt our goals and desires, how can we become aware of this—and how can we change it? Listen in for more about becoming aware of harmful programming, findi