

"When the student is ready, the master appears." ~Buddha "Action is the real measure of intelligence.” ~Napoleon Hill On this Frequently Asked Friday, we tackle the question: What's the Best Way to Learn? This topic harkens back to Season 3's Learning Mastery, which explored the idea that our minds are more ripe at certain times, so continually studying a subject will yield new insights.  Today we explore whether it's better to learn something by studying or doing. In most cases, doing—gaining the experience—will teach you more than any book, podcast, or conference ever could.  Sometimes we're hesitant to take action because we want everything to be just right. We want to have all the answers before we take a risk. But this robs us of the great learning experiences we gain by diving right it. Doing begets learning; learning comes from experience.  Two key learning criteria to keep in mind are curiosity and pain (Check out this article on Fast Company.) We all understand why curiosity is important; it's a desi