Mother The Mother

097 | Embracing Course Correction with Parenthood | Real Talk



In today’s real talk with McLean she explores the power of embracing course correction within parenthood because as she always says, you only know what you know when you know it. As a parent during these times there is so much information at our fingertips and with that also comes judgments, opinions, and an endless list of diagnostic input from primary care providers. Today she stands along with all of the parents questioning what they believe is true and pulling all-nighters in order to fight for their child’s wellbeing, livelihood, and best interest. If you are a parent reeling after receiving a diagnosis from your child’s pediatrician, come join McLean for insight, empowerment, and support. In this episode of Mother the Mother: How to discern what is truth in a world of misinformation Navigating the diagnosis of your child being on the spectrumReframing the paradigm of "normal" in pregnancy, parenthood, and beyondUnpacking the spiritual, physical, and emotional components of why children are the w