Mother The Mother

092 | Calling In Your Best Life with Christina The Channel



In today’s episode, McLean has baller businesswoman and spiritual channel Christina Rice on the show because let’s be real, there is more to mothering than just mothering. There is managing a constant juggle of responsibilities, trusting your intuition, and navigating ever-changing relationships. Plus, every woman wants to be living her best life, today Christina and McLean cover all of that and so much more. Christina is a trance channel, a spiritual business mentor, and Ahai ™ 7D Energy Healer/Master sharing expansive messages from a number of Ascended Masters & Guides to help people raise their frequency, tap into their intuition, and psychic gifts, and manifest their dream lives. Christina has coached thousands of individuals in spiritual growth, business development, brain rewiring, and optimizing their wellness. She is also the host of the Christina the Channel podcast (running 5+ years) and has been featured in a number of top publications like Forbes, Entrepreneur, Popsugar, & Delish!  In this