Mother The Mother

080 | Reclaim Your Power by Seeking the Answers Within | Real Talk



In today’s Real Talk with McLean, she shares more about her upcoming offerings for online coaching, Mom’s Club and doula coaching. She beautifully addresses how the world of birth and motherhood has drifted away from tradition and out of the hands of women, and expresses the importance of questioning everything in life. It is time for Mother’s to reclaim their power and McLean is leading the way. In this episode of Mother the Mother:McLean discusses the shift taking place in the world and her work Reclaiming your power as a woman  Why questioning everything is so important Remembering the powerful role the mind plays in healing trauma Resources: Instagram: @motherthemotherWebsite: Email McLean about doula or women’s coaching availability Head over to Rewrite The Mother Code to listen and subscribe!This show is produced by Soulfire Productions