Mother The Mother

039 | Hired Help: The Many Aspects of This Hot Parenting Topic | Real Talk



Today I want to start a conversation about a topic that I seem to talk about almost every single day with my friends: hiring childcare help. This is such a huge question, especially for working mothers, and people have really strong opinions on every side of this debate — and my intention with this episode is not to pick a side but to start a conversation. Nothing I’m sharing today is a judgment on you, your nanny, or your mothers. This is just a really complicated topic that has a lot of nuanced variables, and I think we’re doing ourselves a disservice when we don’t bring these conversations to the table. There’s a lot of shame, guilt, and blame out there, even just in communities for mothers, but shame has no home here on Mother the Mother. To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: ( Resources: Instagram: @motherthemother ( Mother the Mother is a production of (