Mother The Mother

016 | Birth + Loss within the Life Continuum of Women | with Ivy Joeva



Ivy Joeva is a certified holistic health counselor, registered yoga therapist, DONA-certified birth and postpartum doula, and Khalsa Way prenatal yoga instructor – which all adds up to being a mother’s personal consultant for birth and beyond! Ivy firmly believes “EVERY birth is a good birth,” and that’s why she’s so passionate about encouraging moms to find their own voice and values, armed with accurate information and a strong arsenal of tools for labor and life. Today, Ivy shares why she started her second life as a doula, how she rocks that true feminine power to her core, and what women need to know about birth and loss along the life continuum of womanhood. To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: ( Resources: Learn more at ( Instagram: Mother the Mother is a production of Crate Media