Mother The Mother

013 | MagaMama on Women's Worth + Single Motherhood + Up Leveling in Business | with Kimberly Ann Johnson



Kimberly Ann Johnson is a dear friend and colleague, and she has been an expander and inspiration for me ever since inviting me to be on her podcast! I joined her just four days before I gave birth to Goldy Wolf, and I was in the “birth zone” so I loved sharing what it was like to be in that portal and what my hopes and dreams were for my birth (spoiler: they came true!). That was my first ever podcast interview, so really, you can think of Kimberly as my “podcast mom!” Kimberly is a Sexological Bodyworker, a Somatic Experiencing trauma resolution practitioner, a birth doula, and a single mom. She specializes in helping women prepare for birth, recover from birth injuries and birth trauma, and heal from sexual trauma. She is the author of the bestselling book The Fourth Trimester: A Postpartum Guide to Healing Your Body, Balancing Your Emotions and Restoring Your Vitality, an incredible book that I recommend to any new mom or mom-to-be! She is also the creator of Activate Your Inner Jaguar, an online course u