Mother The Mother

006 | Self-Care = Self-Love | Real Talk



Self-care is a bit of a buzzword these days, and a lot of us are trying to prioritize implementing self-care into our daily lives – but it can (ironically) be a little stressful figuring out where and when to start, especially as moms and moms-to-be! So today, we’re going to think about what “self-care” means to each of us, in this moment and at this particular point on our journey of motherhood, and simple self-care strategies that anyone can implement. This isn’t just lip service to a trendy topic – self-care and self-nurturing is setting you up or setting you down for the life that you want to be living. To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: Resources: Learn more at Instagram: @motherthemother Mother the Mother is a production of Crate Media