Mother The Mother

004 | My Birth Stories | Real Talk



Birth stories are a fascinating portal into who we are as women and how we bring our babies earthside... and it’s just so incredible how we all do it so differently! So, today, I want to share my birth stories. I think it’s important that I share these experiences because they are really what led me into this work, and they still guide me today. I had to go through a lot of pain and suffering to get here, and now I want to, as much as I can, to support other women so that they don’t have to suffer in isolation. But I also want to acknowledge that, especially if you’re pregnant, this is not your story; you and your baby have your own unfolding that will be revealed in due time. Every woman has their own journey and their own lessons that they need to learn. To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: Resources: Learn more at Instagram: @motherthemother Mother the Mother is a production of Crate Media