Mother The Mother

003 | Mamaste, Mindful Moms, & Supporting Women On the Birth Journey | with Lori Bregman



Today, I am so honored to be able to share one of the most positive women that I know (I swear she is sprinkled with fairy dust): Lori Bregman, a renowned doula, life coach, healer, and the author of both The Mindful Mom to Be and Mamaste: Discover a More Authentic, Balanced, and Joyful Motherhood from Within. From the day that I met Lori as a brand new Postpartum Doula, she has been nothing shy of a sister of the heart and mentor to me. She has encouraged me and lifted me up when I needed guidance, and I know that all of her clients feel the same way about her. With over 15 years of experience, Lori works with moms to be and new moms on all aspects of their personal transformation, from fertility through pregnancy and into new motherhood. She is unique in her innate ability to blend spiritual coaching, healing, and intuition, fully integrating them into a powerful Doula practice. Lori cultivates a strong relationship with her clients by supporting them throughout the entire process – before, during and after