Gcf Austin

Why God Doesn't Heal



Life Group Questions1. Why is it essential for us to be biblically balanced on the subject of healing?  2. In the gospels, we read that Jesus healed people because of their faith and He also healed people who seemed to lack faith. Why is it important for us to have faith in God to heal? 3. God withdraws His presence & power when His people turn away from Him & walk in ways that are contrary to His word. How often do you invite God to search your heart, spend time listening to Him, and allow Him to point out areas in which you need to change? 4. Pastor Ryan gave a synopsis of the first two chapters in the book of Job. When faced with unimaginable circumstances, Job trusted and praised the Lord while his wife told him to, “Curse God and die.” If you faced unimaginable circumstances, would you trust God or curse Him?