
Rand(Nerds); Episode 210 - Dimension Tripper Neptune: TOP NEP, Q.U.B.E Directors cut



Welcome to episode 210 Skazz has for a change been playing a old school style shooting in the vein of Space Harrier shooter - Dimension Tripper Neptune: TOP NEP. a quick and simple game with fun replay value. Ram has been solving a portal like puzzler with Q.U.B.E, simple mechanics and a strange story. We also discuss the real world MMO and complain the latest patch Notes: Arcade rail shooter with a hyperdimension neptunia twist with Dimension Tripper Neptune: TOP NEP And the game it was base on Space Harrier Simplistic puzzler with Q.U.B.E: Directors cut You can Join us for our next Livesteam on Saturday 11th February 2022 21:30 GMT On Youtube Twitch Also check out our next game night on Wednesday 1st February at approx 20:30 GMT on Twitch: Sk4zzi0us TheSuffolkRam