Dayspring Fellowship Podcasts

Resilient | Part 5 | Don’t Look Back | Jon Sprouse



Don't Look Back February 5, 2022 We are wrapping up our series, Resilient: Strength That Prevails this Sunday. And as we do, we’ll be taking a look at the importance of steadfastly looking forward, not gazing back to the past. I invite you to join us as we as we unpack why the direction of our attention matters so much and how we can make sure we are facing the right way. Practically speaking, we all understand the value of looking where we’re going. But it’s actually easier said, than done. Our hearts are drawn to the past, to the good ol’ days; to what was, because what is can feel overwhelming, frustrating, even hopeless. The past – even if it was hard – feels safe because it's known. The future – what’s unknown – is scary. And yet, we also know that unless you want to get sidelined or stuck, you gotta look where you’re going! ----------------------------------- TAKE YOUR NEXT STEP ---------------------------------- Let us know that you were watching with us and you will be entered to receive a free prize