Fums: Giving Multiple Sclerosis The Finger

FUMS 022 – Benefits of Physical Therapy for MS with Dr. Gretchen Hawley



Being able to brainstorm and solve the symptoms people are having and how to help them in their daily lives is what Gretchen Hawley loves most about her job. Even with the uncertainty of how the disease manifests itself with different people. Gretchen is a Doctor of Physical Therapy who specializes in Multiple Sclerosis. It has become her advocacy to help each of her patients reach their goals in as many ways as she can. It’s never boring to do things when your heart is in the right place. At the end of this episode, Dr. Hawley tells us about her plans on launching a virtual PT program. She walks us through how she started a Youtube Channel and an Instagram account to better reach her patients from different locations. She created these in order to teach and encourage people that they can exercise in the comfort of their homes. In this episode we discuss: Her journey towards becoming a Certified MS Specialist. What made her interested in working with people with MS. General Nutrition and Cognitive Therapy. Dr