Legal Aid Nsw. Law For Community Workers On The Go

Spotlight On Immigration Rights and Advice Centre (IARC)



The Immigration Advice and Rights Centre (IARC) is a specialist, not-for-profit community legal centre (CLC) with over 35 years’ experience in migration law and policy. IARC’s vision is for a fair and just immigration system for everyone, regardless of means. IARC assists migrants experiencing vulnerability in NSW by providing free legal information, advice, and casework services. Our clients are financially disadvantaged, come from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, and often speak little or no English. Many experience multiple layers of disadvantage including homelessness, low education levels, and disability. They have often experienced torture or trauma. Almost half of our clients have experienced, or are at risk of, family violence. IARC also provides community legal education (CLE) services, undertakes law reform and policy activities, and collaborates with other organisations in the legal and social justice/human rights sector on individual matters and systemic issues.   Website: Free i