Gunblog Varietycast Radio

Assorted Calibers Podcast Ep 237: Youtube Plays Calvinball with Gun Rules



In This Episode Erin and Weer’d first discuss their plans to attend the Gundie Awards in Texas, and then YouTube's harassment of content creators with gun-related channels; Weer'd again fisks the Brady Campaign Podcast, this time on the subject of community-based violence prevention; David had a chance to examine an  S&W M&P 5.7 and gives us his thoughts on it; and finally Tiny tells us the story of the time he was swatted... twice! Did you know that we have a Patreon? Join now for the low, low cost of $4/month (that’s $1/podcast) and you’ll get to listen to our podcast on Friday instead of Mondays, as well as patron-only content like mag dump episodes, our hilarious blooper reels and film tracks. Show Notes Main Topic: Cam and Company: Surprising Coalition Challenging Part of NY Carry Law YouTube Says Silencer Video Takedowns, Gun Channel Deletions Were Mistakes Off the Ranch: YouTube's Final Decision on GUNTUBERS was Not Expected… Weer’d Audio Fisk: 186: Brady in Brief: We Respond to Comm