Big Kid Problems

10. We Barely Bang! Relationship Sex Ruts, Bringing the Mojo back, Sexual Compatibility, Passion vs Compassionate Love



Lets. Get. Intimate. This week we are talking all things Sex & Relationships, and more specifically, why sexy time begins to diminish with your significant other. Andrea Syrtash, author of several dating and relationship books including “Cheat on Your Husband, With your Husband” AND “He’s Just not your type: and that’s a good thing” is our expert this week and she breaks down why we get into sex ruts in the first place and provides USABLE tips and tools to bring the mojo back. We also have dating coach Ana Morgenstern and Conor Crehan of Barstool Sports’ Zero Blog Thirty Podcast on our roundtable to give female and male perspectives of this phenomenon. Some topic that arise:   - How often couples “should” have sex. What’s “normal”? - Male vs. Female libido  - Communicating your needs - Sexual Compatibility - Feeling “sexually rejected” by your partner  - Why fourplay starts way outside of the bedroom - Small things you can do to set the mood - When a sex rut signifies a bigger problem in th