Girls Gone Canon Cast

Patreon Teaser E32: The Sworn Sword ft. Ser Joe Buckley of the Isle of Faces (Knight of the Seven Kingdoms/ASOIAF)



Thanks to our Patrons @, this bonus special episode has been released for the public. the episode was originally recorded and published in March of 2021, almost two years ago!    A huge thanks to Joe Buckley from The Isle of Faces Podcast for joining us.   In the second Dunk and Egg novella, our heroes get in the middle of a dispute about a river, resources, and maybe even treason. Dunk, though, has a dispute with the heart.  We are joined by Ser Joe Buckley to right a history that was lost.  LINKS MENTIONED: cyrilwoodcock/Rohanne's twitter thread on, uh, Lady Rohanne Webber's braid —