Liquid Church

How To Act With Integrity | EQ Part 3



We want to introduce you to an awesome tool: the ladder of integrity. This is designed to help you get rigorously honest about what you are feeling so that you can identify your values. When you identify your values, or why something matters to you, you’ll be able to express what you’re feeling without resorting to dirty fighting tactics. In other words, you can act with integrity. The ladder of integrity is a step-by-step process, like rungs on a ladder. And it’s a personal tool that’s not meant to be shared with anyone. It’s actually for you to process through your thoughts and feelings with God. And, if you’re processing a conflict you’re having with someone, what’s interesting is that this will require you to take the “plank” out of your own eye before you take the “speck” out of someone else’s. In other words - you have to own your piece of the conflict. Ultimately, the ladder is meant to help you get clear and be able to respond respectfully based on your values, as opposed to merely being reactive, or