School Of Awesome Sauce With Greg Denning

#211 What to Eat & How -- What's ACTUALLY Healthy? Our Food Journey



In many of our episodes, we often reference food and its connection to behavior and emotion. So it’s not surprising that we received this request: “I would LOVE to hear an episode on food! YES it is confusing and hard to navigate! We've already made some good changes, but I'd love to hear your specific thoughts about how you implement this both at home and on the road. I'd also love to hear some scientific evidence from books but mainly how you guys apply it… especially when your kids when they are surrounded by all the not-so-good-foods of their peers... And I got confused: Rachel said, in the same breath when talking about bad foods/chemicals, almond and soy milk, and then whole foods....meaning those milks are considered bad or good?! I think your intention was that those milks are bad...I didn't know that!” It’s true, I did mention in a previous episode that soy and almond milks are not good for you. In this episode, I expound how and why we came to those — as well as other ‘shocking’ — conclusions a