Clutter Free Academy

554 - The Time Saving Mom - How to Juggle A Lot, Enjoy Your Life and Accomplish what Matters Part 1



Today Kathi is joined by Crystal Paine, also known as the Money Saving Mom, as they discuss how to juggle a lot, enjoy your life, and accomplish what matters! Crystal is a busy entrepreneur and mother of six who has been on a journey including secondary infertility, foster care, adoption, and caring for a child with special needs.  How does she decide what to take on and what to say no to at any given time? Crystal shares her six by two priority system - six priorities, focusing on two each day. These are her top priorities: Spiritual health Marriage Kids Home Business Friendships Rotating the focus of these priorities during the week gives her a little breathing room, while still making sure she accomplishes what matters. Next week Crystal Paine will continue her conversation with Kathi, as they chat about planning systems and how to turn these priorities into action steps. Be sure to subscribe to the podcast to be notified when the next episode is released. When you do you will also receive a free Clutter