Faith Middleton Food Schmooze

Best Thanksgiving Gravy, Plus Perfect Pie Recipes



Everybody knows Thanksgiving is all about that gorgeous gravy. Get the gravy right, and you’ve not only won Thanksgiving dinner, you’ve also won the leftover game for days to come (gravy is what makes those leftovers possible, after all). For the feast, it warms and flavors the made-ahead turkey and feels glorious in your mouth. Later that night, sandwiches. The day after that, any gravy left makes for a silky turkey soup. (You can thank Chris Prosperi for that tip). Also this week: Kate McDermott, a phenomenal pie baker and pie teacher (she runs a Pie Camp!) takes all the anxiety out of making pie from scratch. She shares recipes from her new book, Art of the Pie, for Cranberry Pie—stunning!—and a nuanced Pumpkin Pie. Kate also shares her savory Sausage and Apple Pie recipe (Sunday dinner inspiration!). Alex Province offers up two beautiful wines at two price points, so you’ve got options for a host gift and the feast. Finally, Faith was inspired to create a side dish