Jonathan Harnisch Podcast

CBT Techniques: The Red Yellow Green Strategy and Timeout Therapy



CBT Techniques: The Red Yellow Green Strategy and Timeout Therapy | Brand New Podcast Episode 210: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Session: iTunes | Podcasts | Schizophrenia Raw by Jonathan Harnisch:  Thursday, July 16, 2015 | Summary: We discussed a number of different issues: First I reported that I, at times, run through my supplies of water, soda, etc., faster than expected. My therapist thinks this may be something we can easily take note of and alter in terms of how much is stored for my convenience over the weekends. Second, we discussed the "red, yellow, green" strategy. Sounds like red and green are pretty straightforward, but the yellow gets a little more complicated. My psychologist mentioned that he could communicate to my caregiver that when I am in yellow, she should let me initiate and lead the interactions. In other words, she shouldn't ask to hang out when I am in yellow. And she may say "hello", etc., but not expect a response when I am in yellow. My doctor explains that when I am in yellow the