Love & Light Live Crystal Healing Podcast

Crystal Feng Shui for Your Office or Healing Arts Room



“Feng shui literally translated is ‘wind and water,’ the two most prevalent elements that shape our world. Feng shui can be used to shape the energy around you. It is about changing your life by assessing and maintaining your connection to the natural world” -Sandra Kynes (author of Gemstone Feng Shui).   For this reason, crystals can be used according to the principles of feng shui in order to enhance positive energy and counteract negative energy in your space. Crystals and stones can be used to shift the energy in your healing arts space, and in turn, make positive changes in your life and business that will result in balance and harmony.  Knowing how to utilize crystal energy to positively affect the flow of energy in your sacred business is the key to proper Crystal Feng Shui. All spaces have nine distinct areas, and these correspond to the nine areas of the Bagua Map.  According to the ancient Chinese Bagua Map, parts of your space directly connect to certain areas of your life. By placing stones in