Love & Light Live Crystal Healing Podcast

Healing Properties of Herkimer Diamond: A Crystal for Clarity & Dreams



A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Herkimer Diamond: “Open your Third Eye to see clearly for the first time. Mental clarity creates space for new thoughts, ideas, and beliefs. You are a spiritual being free from worry, doubt, and fear."       Common Properties of Herkimer Diamond: Facilitates astral travel Promotes lucid dreaming Allows access to your dream consciousness while you’re in a waking state Creates mental clarity Energizes the physical body Amplifies energy and intention Balances and aligns the chakras Helps spiritual people feel connected to their physical, earthly bodies Aids grounding and centering after intense spiritual work, meditation, etc. Colors: Clear, Gold Associated Chakras: Third Eye (6th), Crown (7th) Zodiac Signs: Libra, Scorpio Elements: Air Companion Flowers: Baby’s Breath Companion Essential Oil: White Sandalwood Companion Stone: Moldavite Common Origins: Found only in Herkimer County,