Next New England

Episode 20: Concealed



This week we meet a couple who found themselves drinking water contaminated by radioactive lab waste, and a man who has to wear a hazmat suit to enter his house. We’ll also learn about the down and dirty politics of Providence, Rhode Island in the 1970s and 80s, when city leaders cozied up to the mob. Finally, immigrants to New England give us a sense of what we should be grateful for. Dan and Dawn Crim stand on the front porch of the Laconia, New Hampshire home they fled in 2014. They say shoddy construction and water infiltration led to mold and yeast, which in turn made them and their son sick. (Credit: Jack Rodolico/NHPR) Radioactive Carcasses and Mold Magnates A hand-drawn map of the Rennie Farm burial site provided by Dartmouth College for the initial clean-up. (Credit: Dartmouth College) In Hanover, New Hampshire, near Dartmouth College, there’s a macabre burial site. Lab animals and the chemicals that were used on them – were dumped by researchers in the 1960s and 70s. Now a toxic c