Church With Jesse Lee Peterson

"Anger" Toward Fathers Is Really from Mothers (Church, Jun 24)



VIDEO: At Church we dealt with a number of people both in-person and online asking about forgiving their mothers, dealing with fathers, and practicing the Silent Prayer. A few new people showed up, some expressing appreciation for Jesse’s message, and his telling the truth, helping them in their lives.One man said that he’s an Italian American, but that the negative culture of Italians — the mafia and other things — do not represent him. He said that he needed to forgive his father who hurt his mother and had people calling the house. In reality, though, these were his mother’s complaints, not his own. Women are very insecure due to the falling away from God with Eve. So they make the world revolve around them — when they’re angry at the father, they get the kids angry as well, so that the kids believe they’re angry at the father as well. But in reality, the anger is from the mother, and what she did — not the father.Another man thought Jesse was a “chump” for trying to rebuild the