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AI Augmented Testing with Avinash Tiwari



Today I wanted to share a popular webinar we recently had with Avinash Tiwari on AI Augmented Testing for Digital Apps. If you don't know, Avanash is a renowned thought leader, sought-after keynote speaker, and co-founder of pCloudy.com. He has 20+ years of experience in Product development and Testing. He brings a passion for emerging technology and quick adoption, which have solidified his reputation as a leader in the mobile app testing field. With an ever-increasing need for high-quality releases and feature-rich digital apps, the demand for a faster development life cycle has become a non-negotiable. Today the world is racing against time to get the best out of their apps, which has become the critical differentiator in the competitive app market. Of late, Artificial Intelligence-based Augmented Testing has taken center stage to show us ways to enhance and accelerate our efforts. While implementing various testing methodologies like DevOps, Continuous Integration, and Delivery has helped accelerate the p