Fyfc Studios - Fyfcast

Episode 100 - The 100th



We are joined by King Dylan and Brittany Baker (BRB) for the 100th episode of FYFCast. We talk a bit about the history of FYFCast, we spend some time discussing what qualifies as a toque. King Dylan shares a story of stripping on stage. Vinnie has a problem with Brittany being on his turf and on his man, and we play some voicemails from listeners before going into Fear's Five live on Facebook. - Fear's Five! -- If you had $100,000 right now what would you spend it on? -- If you had to watch 1 movie 100 times before you could do anything else what would it be? -- If you could visit any time in the past 100 years when would it be? -- What CD or Album could you listen to 100 times on a loop? -- What song do you hear that makes you want to rage kill someone? Music Featured in this episode: 1) King Dylan - FYFCast Theme 2) Street Sweeper Social Club - 100 Little Curses 3) R.Kelly - I Believe I Can Fly 4) Green Day - Basketcase 5) Red Hot Chili Peppers - Snow (Hey Oh)