Fyfc Studios - Fyfcast

Episode 99 - Looking For Love in Olya Wrong Places



In this episode you will Hear: - Razar starts the show by reading a love letter from what we are hoping, will be the love of his life! - MDI is very unimpressed with the Gilmore Girls Netflix Revival. - Fear goes full retard while helping Razar write to his woman. - Then something terrible happens, which one of these hosts are now fired? - Fear's Five! -- If there was a moment in high school you could relive or change, what would it be? (Submitted by Travis of This Freakin' Show) -- Would you Rather, live for an eternity at age 30, OR Live 30 lives consecutive?(Submitted by Jarmin Wynter of L.I.F.E Cast Podcast) -- Everyone has to choose one of the other two hosts to fire. No loop holes, can't pick yourself. FIRE SOMEONE! (Submitted by Shawn iams Fuller from HorriblyAwkward Show) -- If there was no risk of being injured, who would you hug... a Panda or a Polar bear? -- Would you rather die a painful death that goes down in history OR, painless death but everyone hates you for it? Music Featured in this ep