Conrad Rocks

God is calling YOU higher right now!



Show Notes:God is calling YOU Higher right now;Prophetic burden for the last week;The time is NOW to reach the next level;Following Jesus' example;Elementary school example;Top Dog Christians are just getting started;Let go of our besetting sins and weights (Hebrews 12:1);Come under God's Mission (James 4:7);Put off the Old Man (Ephesians 4:22-24);Accessing the Spirit of God through His Word; Rising up to where we should be (Hebrews 5:12);Living a sacrificial life for God (Romans 12);We reckon ourselves dead to sin (Romans 6:11-13);The solution to self-opposition (2 Timothy 2:25,26);Being in total alignment with God and His will;Cleansing our heart to think Godly thoughts;Continuing in the Word leads to freedom (John 8:31,32);The next level is going to be amazing (Romans 8:18).