Hope Rescue

Discovering God's Will: Navigating Sovereign, Moral, and Individual Will



Understanding God's will is an essential aspect of the Christian faith. As believers, we often seek to know and follow God's will for our lives, but what exactly does it entail? In this week’s podcast, we will explore three aspects of God's will: His Sovereign Will, His Moral Will, and His Individual Will. Through examining these aspects, we can better understand God's plans and purposes for us and how we can align our lives with His will. Let us delve into these three aspects of God's will and discover the beauty and blessings of living in harmony with our Creator. To purchase Tim's new book "Breathe": https://www.hoperescue.org/product-page/breathe For more information on this particular show, be sure to check out the show notes on https://www.hoperescue.org/ If you enjoyed listening, please head over to iTunes and leave us a review! You can connect with us on Instagram and Facebook @hoperescuepodcast. If you have comments, questions, or recommendations for future podcasts, email us at hoperescuepodcast@gma