Retro Gaming Revelry

Retro Gaming Revelry - Ep. 196 - Fester's Quest



This week Earl and Jurek are joined by their friend Andrew and the three of them play Fester's Quest on the NES! This game was recommended by Andrew due to his nostalgia for the game! As you can imagine, the guys have a pretty tough go at it, considering this game is notoriously hard! While they don't get very far, the game turns out to be rather enjoyable once you figure out what to do! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday March 6, 2020. This was just before the shit hit the fan, so to speak, regarding the Coronavirus, at least in Minnesota. I'm not sure we even mention the virus in this episode. A couple other episodes were recorded in between and will be released very soon, in which we do talk about it. All this to say we hope all you Reveler's and your loved ones are staying safe and healthy out there. Apologies for the few week lapse in episodes coming out. Obviously, things got a little crazy with work and life due to the virus. But we are back, and Jurek and I hav