Retro Gaming Revelry

Retro Gaming Revelry - Ep. 191 - The X-Men Comparison part 1



This week Jurek and Earl once again take control of everyone's favorite mutants as they play X-Men on the Sega Genesis! This game has all the makings of something great, but unfortunately, it's just too dang hard! In classic Retro Gaming Revelry fashion, the guys don't even make it past the first level! It's fun to play as some of your favorite characters, but the difficulty quickly makes you want to turn the game off. While it wasn't the plan from the get-go, the guys have decided to compare this game to X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse on the SNES! So stay tuned next week for part 2 of the X-Men Comparison! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!