Not Another Teen Wolf Podcast

Episode #27 - Just Prisoners Here



Natalie, Karen and our listener guest host Sarah discuss season 3, episode 6 of Teen Wolf, "Motel California." Featured Song: "Sleep Paralysis" by Gabriel Bruce Discussion: - We're joined by the winner of our guest host competition, Sarah! - She's in Ireland, and they're having a heatwave. - Natalie is a snob about dealing with heat. - The internationals discuss live-streaming Teen Wolf. - We blame Karen for the USA region-blocking and demand that she fix the situation. - We did manage to scrape the bottom of the barrel for a few funny quotes from this episode. - But mainly we wanted to focus on ALL THE TRAUMA AND FEELS of the huge moment between Scott and Stiles. - We discuss the lyrics of “Hotel California” and what inspiration may have been drawn from the song. - The initial scene of Alexander Argent's suicide threw us all for a loop. - What exactly is deal with the motel's suicide reputation? Has there always been a supernatural influence? - Karen makes the first Buffy reference of the podcast.