Monkeys Fighting Robots

Episode 102: Top 5 Films Based On Comic Books (Non-Marvel Or DC)



What starts out as a review of the new film Office Downe ends up with a full blown discussion about the 'Top 5' comic book films not based on Marvel or DC Comics characters.  Honorable Mentions: Tank Girl, Spawn, Judge Dredd, The Mask  EJ's List:  5. Scott Pilgrim vs the World - Edgar Wright (Graphic novel) 4. The Haunted World of El Superbeasto - Rob Zombie (Comic book series) 3. Dredd - Pete Travis (Comic book series) 2. Sin City - Robert Rodriguez (Graphic Novel) 1. Oldboy - Park Chan-wook (Based on a manga) Matt's List:  5. A History of Violence (2005) 4. The Rocketeer (1991) 3. The Losers (2010) 2. The Crow (1994) 1. 30 Days of Night (2007) Strap yourself in buckaroos! Episode 102 of the Monkeys Fighting Robots podcast is here. Check out EJ's review of 'Officer Downe’ - The Perfect Kind Of Stylized Insanity Do you want to be our SUPER-FAN of the week? All you have to do is comment on this podcast to be eligible. Do you have a question that you would like answered during the show? Email y