Monkeys Fighting Robots

Episode 92: 'Blair Witch' Beat Down



'The Blair Witch' hits theaters this week and EJ and Matt battle over this film. While EJ is all in on this movie, Matt has some reservations. Bonus tracks: 'Fear the Walking Dead,' X-Men deleted mall scene Strap yourself in buckaroos! Episode 92 of the Monkeys Fighting Robots podcast is here. Do you want to be our SUPER-FAN of the week? All you have to do is comment on this podcast to be eligible. Do you have a question that you would like answered during the show? Email your questions to If you are looking to sponsor the podcast email as well. About Monkeys Fighting Robots Podcast: A Gen Xer and a Millennial debate the latest topics in pop culture. One guy is a filmmaker and the other is a journalist, but both are nerds. We make your slowest days at work better. Hosts, Matthew Sardo and EJ Moreno. Never heard of Matt Sardo?For starters, he made the Kessel Run in less than 11 parsecs. Prior to that, he gave Doc Brown the idea for the flux capacitor and led the