Liquid Church

Why Did Jesus Die? To Save You! | Passion Part 4



Good Friday is the day Jesus was crucified and died for our sins. The truth is, it was good for us, but excruciating for Jesus. Good Friday is actually the darkest day in human history when men murdered God. Why did Jesus die? He was nailed to a Cross, suffered and died for us. He carried all our sins to the Cross and selflessly suffered so that you could be saved and have eternal life! That’s how much He loves you. On Thursday night, just before His Crucifixion, Jesus wrestled with the reality of his coming Crucifixion. He knew He was going to die. So, he goes to the Garden of Gethsemane and He prays to God “take this cup from me.” He’s asking to be spared the suffering in front of Him. But, then He says “your will be done.” It was a prayer of surrender to God. He asks for what He wants (to be spared the suffering), but ultimately says you know what’s best. And the Holy Spirit then gives Jesus the strength He needs to face the Cross in front of Him.  How do you apply this to your own life? If there's a s