Liquid Church

Jesus Has a Plan For Your Life | Passion Part 3



The Last Supper is the final meal that Jesus shares with his 12 best friends, the disciples. And if we examine what Jesus did during this time together, it reveals to us that Jesus has a plan for your life. The key is that we need to walk alongside Him. In our Passion Series, we are following in the footsteps of Jesus Christ during the last week of his life and one of the cornerstone events of this week is The Last Supper. Before Jesus shares a meal with his friends, he does something truly scandalous. He kneels down and washes their feet. The God of the Universe serves and honors his followers by washing their feet - a job usually saved for servants. And this communicates something to us, that we too are guests of honor! When Jesus invites you to his table, he is saying 100% that you are accepted and loved absolutely exactly as you are. You do not have to change a thing to sit down with Jesus. Jesus doesn’t need anything from you, but he does have so much for you. So, how do you invite Jesus to transform you