Love From The Hyp With Sakura Sutter

Liminality with Sande Hart



What can we learn from Liminal Space, the time “Betwixt and Between”? In Psychology, Liminality is used to describe the process of transitioning across borders and boundaries, like divorce, marriage, and pregnancy. These Liminal Spaces encourage us to propel forward into a new identity, leaving the old one behind, but many of us get stuck, and there are consequences. In architecture, Liminal Spaces are places we pass through, which can include hallways, lobbies, and backrooms. Architects create them with the intention of promoting moments of casual collisions, but also to make us more aware of ourselves in relation to our surroundings. Find out more on this addition of Love From The Hyp with guest, Sande Hart. Sande will share how important the Liminal Space is and how she came to find that out, along with her concept of The Liminal Odyssey. You won’t want to miss all this wisdom!