Love From The Hyp With Sakura Sutter

The Conscious Coaching Hour- Surrender



Join us for this edition of Love From The Hyp presents The Conscious Coaching Hour LIVE with coaches, Sakura Sutter, Rory Reich and Brenda Reiss where we will be discussing Surrender. As humans we are taught to suffer, and with part of this suffering comes the desire to want to exercise control over everything, everybody, and every experience in our lives. As a result, we put ourselves into a place of resistance and drive the very things we need and want, away from coming into our lives. And the more we fight to control, the more we end up feeling exhausted, depressed, anxious, victimized and even sick. Control is merely an illusion which we feel gives us power. What if we learned to surrender? How can trusting what the universe has conspired WITH us and FOR us, do us some good? Who are we really giving up things for when we surrender anyway? Tune in for more, and call in or message in on our Facebook page, @lovefromthehyp as well. We are also offering up intuitive guidance for you no matter what the issue.