Love From The Hyp With Sakura Sutter

Go Beyond The Veil with Soul Intelligence Coach Kristine Glein



So often, people find themselves “stuck” in self-defeating patterns. They want prosperity, but deep down do not feel worthy of success. Couples want rewarding relationships, but continue to attract relationships that are in conflict and strife. Many individuals want better health, but do not know how to achieve it. All too often, the reasons for these blocks come from the energy of the soul itself. But there are healing modalities that work on a soul level. Releasing subconscious mind programs, past life energies and soul programs, allows the soul to move into its full expression, of joy and prosperity. So tune in for this episode of Go Beyond the Veil, where we’ll be discussing the Soul Intelligence Method, what it is, how it works, and how our guest Kristine Glein uses it to help her clients achieve success. You won't want to miss it!