Love From The Hyp With Sakura Sutter

Spiritual Nutrition Counselor and Author, Marcela Tobal Benson



Spiritual Nutrition Counselor and Author, Marcela Tobal Benson joins us for another Love From The Hyp. Marcela will share wisdom from her new beautiful book, Love, Peace, and Vegetables-Recipes for Conscious Living, including how Live Food, Alkalinizing Nutrition, & Alchemy of Water can benefit your overall health and well-being. How conscious eating can also assist in better digestion, food absorption, and better mental health, and how it all begins with self-love. Plus, Marcela will share her own struggles with obesity at a young age, and the issues she overcame. She will also talk about her mentors, Indra Devi and Dr Gabriel Cousens, who helped her to create a spiritual relationship with food before the concept was widely known, and inspired her to counsel and teach others. So tune in for this enlightening interview!