Love From The Hyp With Sakura Sutter

Chiropractor, Author, and Founder of Coherence Revolution, Dr. Mark Halpern



On this Love From The Hyp …Crippling Anxiety Ruled His Life Until He Learned How to Create COHERENCE Within – Creating the Vibrational Emotional, Physiological and Mental Harmony That Freed Him. Chiropractor, Author, and Founder of Coherence Revolution, Dr. Mark Halpern will join us and share his concept of COHERENCE. Dr. Halpern, having studied with The HeartMath Institute, emphasizes that when the heart and brain are operating coherently, people benefit exponentially with increased emotional health, and physical well-being, more inner peace, and an ability to respond to external stimuli, situations, and fearful or worrisome thoughts from a place of emotional strength. He will be sharing his methods for achieving COHERENCE from his groundbreaking new book and online course Coherence Revolution: Finding Flow on Your Journey to the Present Moment. He will share the various techniques he discovered to achieve his own emotional, physiological and mental harmony — processes that are simple and easy to implement