See Hear Podcast

See Hear Podcast Episode 20 - All Night Long and Edgeplay: A Film About The Runaways



Finally…’s time for episode 20 of See Hear Podcast. The crew apologises for missing out on presenting a film discussion for your aural pleasure during August. However, for those of you who missed hearing our ramblings, we attempt to make up for that by giving you discussion on TWO films for September instead of our usual one. Both films are requests from listeners. First up, we discuss Cameron Towler’s request of a film from 1962. “All Night Long” is director Basil Dearden’s take on Shakespeare’s “Othello” as transplanted to (then)modern day England. All appears to be well as Aurelius Rex and Delia Lane celebrate their first wedding anniversary with their jazz musician friends. He’s a pianist and bandleader and she’s a retired singer. Evil drummer  (I didn’t know there was such a thing) Johnny Cousin plots to put a wedge between them to secure Delia for his new band. Featuring music performed by the likes of John Dankworth, Charles Mingus and Dave Brubeck, this film takes a creative spin on the bard’s tr