See Hear Podcast

See Hear Podcast Episode 15 - Cosmic Psychos, Blokes You Can Trust



It's time to grab a six pack, a 50 cent piece, get some beetroot, and hang out with the podcast you can trust.   For See Hear Podcast episode 15, Tim picked the Australian documentary from 2013 Cosmic Psychos - Blokes You Can Trust. The band started out in the early 1980s in the state of Victoria and (albeit not with the same lineup) are still around in 2015.  Bands and artists such as Eddie Vedder, King Buzzo (The Melvins), Mudhoney, L7 and Butch Vig all line up not only to sing the Psychos' praises, but to tell their own personal stories from the road travelling with the band. They all convincingly state the case that the Seattle Grunge sound started in Melbourne with the Cosmic Psychos. Director Matt Weston has combined interviews about tales on the road and hedonism with fatherhood, weightlifting, dealing with divorce, tragedy, bondage.....and tractors. Yes, the band might seem to have the usual Spinal Tap type hijinks (don't fall asleep when your bandmate has a salmon in his suitcase), but this film do