Darling Rage Nation

Your Nervous System Doesn't Give a Shit About Your Creativity



I am so excited to welcome Fanny Priest onto the show today! Fanny Priest is a trauma repair coach with a background as a yoga therapist and she helps healers, feelers, queers and creatives repair their relationship with themselves so that they can feel at home in their bodies, their feelings and their needs. I have learned so much from this human, and I cannot wait for you to listen to this episode!  In it we discuss:  - The real definition of trauma (shock trauma versus developmental trauma and why it matters) - Why developmental trauma is something that we all need to be more aware of and why it deeply effects our creativity  - How our nervous system keeps us from our imagination and play, and how to work with it - Why books like "The Artist Way" by Julia Cameron don't go far enough to address the root causes of our creative blocks - The vulnerability of creativity and why it can feel impossible - Finding safety in our bodies so that we can access our creativity  - And soooo much more