Artists Of Houston

Manuel Hughes



Manuel Hughes and I met in a very unconventional way, at a Newark airport after both waiting for a very long time for a flight to Paris.  The conversation was easy and we became fast friends.  After I realized he was an artist, I had a lot of questions and he was a generous historian.  He was happy to tell me about his life in St. Louis, about a knife attack, and his illustrious art career, of which is inclusion in the Whitney, City Museum of St. Louis, State Museum of New Jersey, to name a few,  a book on tools, since many of his paintings depict highly rendered tools,  and representation by multiple galleries over the years.  He has been a resident /artist of New York and now Paris for the last 20 years.  I've deviated from my norm of inviting artists of Houston into my studio to do my podcast  but  I was in Paris and  couldn't pass up the opportunity to get to know Manuel better,... he is 80 years old and he is more vibrant than a 25 year old and I was so i